Henri Yandell wrote:

742870 - ?? - Lacking Unit Tests, not liking the catch Exception.
RuntimeException throwing needs String arg. Generally not trusting the
Java API here to work beautifully and wanting to have covered a bunch
of use cases.

Thanks for reviewing!

I tweaked exception handling and added unit tests in bugfixing branch revision 747449. As I wrote the unit tests I manuallly looked at the exception stacktraces and verified that they provided useful error messages to the user. http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?view=rev&revision=747449

I also merged those changes to java5 branch revision 747452.

So apart from the one commit, I'm +1 on the changes on the bugfixes branch.

In that case, I think we're ready to contemplate executing the plan I'd identified earlier:

If I were a commons/dbutils committer right now, I think I'd probably do
these things (all of which require committer karma):

1) Merge "bugfixing" back to trunk
2) Close out all of the bugs I fixed
3) Stage/vote on a dbutils-1.2 release based on bugfixing/trunk
4) Make a dbutils/1.x branch
5) Merge "java5" back to trunk
6) Stage/vote on a dbutils-2.0 release based on java5/trunk

How do we want to begin work on this? Henri, do you want to these steps? Alternately, I can do them myself if I get the karma to do so...?


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