I've fixed a bunch of bugs in the bugfixing branch. I think I've fixed all except bug DBUTILS-30/-28 (they're dupes).


I've also done a bunch of java5-izing (generics/varargs) in the java5 branch, and merged in the bug fixes from the bugfixing branch.


The java5 branch is meant to be exactly like the bugfixing branch, except with generics and varargs. The generics and varargs should be erased at compile time, so the runtime API should be indistinguishable from the runtime API of dbutils-1.2.

Review/comments welcome.

If I were a commons/dbutils committer right now, I think I'd probably do these things (all of which require committer karma):

1) Merge "bugfixing" back to trunk
2) Close out all of the bugs I fixed
3) Stage/vote on a dbutils-1.2 release based on bugfixing/trunk
4) Make a dbutils/1.x branch
5) Merge "java5" back to trunk
6) Stage/vote on a dbutils-2.0 release based on java5/trunk

... and then start working on crazy API refactorings like my interface bean idea and Liam's RowHolder suggestions, in preparation for a 3.0 release or something.

However, I am not, in fact, a commons/dbutils committer, so somewhere in there it might be nice to have a vote about that. ;-)


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