On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 9:08 PM, Ralph Goers <ralph.go...@dslextreme.com> wrote:
> The "correct" groupId with respect to what Maven recommends  should be
> org.apache.commons.  However, if a groupId is changed and the package names
> are not changed at the same time it will cause nothing but grief for users
> of the project. This is because to maven commons-exec:commons-exec:1.0 and
> org.apache.commons:commons-exec:1.1 are two different artifacts and both
> will be used in the resultant build. Then the packages will conflict and the
> resultant build will be a disaster. The only way out of that is for the end
> user to specifically exclude one or the other.

Or use relocation, which we've not been keen on so far.

> In short:
> 1. New projects should use org.apache.commons

I'm happy to let the folks doing the work decide whether to use o.a.c
or commons-foo (so, in this case, Siegfried -- being the RM). We have
both groupId styles in use, the latter being used by the (older)

> 2. Existing projects should change their package names at the same time as
> the groupId is changed.

Might not be necessary, needs discussion if and when any component
plans to change it.


> Ralph
> On Dec 28, 2008, at 2:57 PM, Siegfried Goeschl wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> can we get an agreement on that and put it into the wiki?  If using
>> "org.apache.commons.*" makes life easier  I'm happy to use it but we
>> should have a common understanding first ...
>> Cheers,
>> Siegfried Goeschl
>> "As Thomas Hobbes observed in the 17th century, life under mob rule is
>> solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. Life on a poorly run software
>> project is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and hardly ever short enough."
>> -Steve McConnell, Software Project Survival Guide
>> Dennis Lundberg wrote:
>>> Rahul Akolkar wrote:
>>>> IMO ...
>>>> On Sat, Dec 27, 2008 at 12:21 PM, Siegfried Goeschl
>>>> <siegfried.goes...@it20one.at> wrote:
>>>>> Hi folks,
>>>>> after more than one week I have to announce that the vote DID NOT PASS
>>>>> ...
>>>>> +) two +1 votes (Jörg, Sebastian)
>>>>> +) two positive comments (Rahul, Oliver) which formally do not
>>>>> constitute a +1
>>>>> Having said that a couple of issues were raised ...
>>>>> 1) [major] what is the correct groupId - "org.apache.commons" or
>>>>> "commons-exec"
>>>> <snip/>
>>>> This isn't major -- you can choose to keep it at 'commons-exec' if you
>>>> want. There are good reasons either way.
>>> One reason to go ahead and change the groupId to org.apache.commons is
>>> that the release manager won't have to ping the ASF repo maintainers to
>>> get the release filtered through. Anything outside of org.apache.* has
>>> to be handled manually in the repo. Thus changing the groupId will make
>>> the release process easier for us, as well as for the repo maintainers.
>>>>> 2) [minor] the STATUS file needs an update regarding deprecation of
>>>>> System.getenv()
>>>>> 3) [minor] wrong folder name in source distribution, i.e.
>>>>> "commons-exec-2.4.1-src"
>>>> <snap/>
>>>> As indicated in the vote thread, I'd like to see it fixed since its
>>>> confusing packaging-wise (IOW, for some of us it may not be minor :-).
>>>> Thanks for your work on the release.
>>>> -Rahul
>>>>> 4) [minor] some notes that the shell scripts in ./src/test/scripts need
>>>>> to be executable when running the tests
>>>>> 5) [minor] SVN EOL setting of doap-exec.rdf
>>>>> So after fixing this issue I will cut a new release candidate to re-run
>>>>> the vote ...
>>>>> Thanks for all the help ...
>>>>> Siegfried Goeschl

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