The "correct" groupId with respect to what Maven recommends should be org.apache.commons. However, if a groupId is changed and the package names are not changed at the same time it will cause nothing but grief for users of the project. This is because to maven commons- exec:commons-exec:1.0 and org.apache.commons:commons-exec:1.1 are two different artifacts and both will be used in the resultant build. Then the packages will conflict and the resultant build will be a disaster. The only way out of that is for the end user to specifically exclude one or the other.

In short:
1. New projects should use org.apache.commons
2. Existing projects should change their package names at the same time as the groupId is changed.


On Dec 28, 2008, at 2:57 PM, Siegfried Goeschl wrote:

Hi folks,

can we get an agreement on that and put it into the wiki?  If using
"org.apache.commons.*" makes life easier  I'm happy to use it but we
should have a common understanding first ...


Siegfried Goeschl

"As Thomas Hobbes observed in the 17th century, life under mob rule is
solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. Life on a poorly run software project is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and hardly ever short enough."

-Steve McConnell, Software Project Survival Guide

Dennis Lundberg wrote:
Rahul Akolkar wrote:

IMO ...

On Sat, Dec 27, 2008 at 12:21 PM, Siegfried Goeschl
<> wrote:

Hi folks,

after more than one week I have to announce that the vote DID NOT PASS ...

+) two +1 votes (Jörg, Sebastian)
+) two positive comments (Rahul, Oliver) which formally do not
constitute a +1

Having said that a couple of issues were raised ...

1) [major] what is the correct groupId - "org.apache.commons" or


This isn't major -- you can choose to keep it at 'commons-exec' if you
want. There are good reasons either way.

One reason to go ahead and change the groupId to org.apache.commons is that the release manager won't have to ping the ASF repo maintainers to get the release filtered through. Anything outside of org.apache.* has to be handled manually in the repo. Thus changing the groupId will make the release process easier for us, as well as for the repo maintainers.

2) [minor] the STATUS file needs an update regarding deprecation of
3) [minor] wrong folder name in source distribution, i.e.


As indicated in the vote thread, I'd like to see it fixed since its
confusing packaging-wise (IOW, for some of us it may not be minor :-).

Thanks for your work on the release.


4) [minor] some notes that the shell scripts in ./src/test/ scripts need
to be executable when running the tests
5) [minor] SVN EOL setting of doap-exec.rdf

So after fixing this issue I will cut a new release candidate to re-run
the vote ...

Thanks for all the help ...

Siegfried Goeschl

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