On Sat, Nov 8, 2008 at 7:51 PM, Martin Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> For example, one of the reasons people don't want to bring things to Commons
> any more is because they have to buy in to the entire Commons enchilada.
> Consistent build systems, consistent web sites, consistent release criteria,
> and so on. This consistency is crucial when Commons is being promoted to the
> "outside world", because it allows consumers to understand what they will
> see / get from any given component. I believe it's a big part of what has
> made Commons a "brand" in and of itself, and for Commons as an
> externally-facing project, it's definitely a Good Thing (tm).

I don't agree with that. IMO, it's gross how much a commons
subproject is influenced by others. I'd clearly prefer if the subprojects were
completely driven by those who actually do the subprojects work.


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