--- Jörg Schaible <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Matt,
> Builds from source and works fine on my compiler zoo
> except for all
> IBM-JDKs, but that's a different story
> (http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-3580).
> Some minor issues though in the docs:
> - download page goes nowhere, I suspect this is
> caused by the current
> location and automatically fixed for the release

Correct; it's a relative path assuming that the site
is installed at http://commons.apache.org/jxpath.

> - the links to the older APIs does not work, again I
> suspect this is fixed
> for the release

Correct again.

> - the user's guide contains a table of content at
> its top. However, quite
> all of the link anchors do not work


> Issue in the POM:

Addressed as discussed elsewhere.

> Wiki:
> - talks about release plan for 1.2 ;-)

mmm... Being that I'm already in the process of
releasing 1.3, it seems a little too late to come up
with a release plan.  Should a release plan be
obliterated from the Wiki once the release has taken

> Summary:
> -1, simply because of the wrong download links,
> anything else is not
> critical

Since you called that a -1, despite acknowledging that
it probably wasn't a problem on the deployed site, I'm
not sure where that leaves this issue.  I'm cutting a
new RC, but the download link will still lead nowhere
unless we change the way the site is built--the M1
navigation.xml as well as the M2 src/site.xml actually
list all these links explicitly including
"commons.apache.org" but that is apparently stripped
out as the site is built.


> - Jörg
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