On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 2:46 PM, Siegfried Goeschl
> Hi folks,
> according to http://wiki.apache.org/commons/MovingFromSandboxToProperSVN
> there needs to be an official proposal - any blockers from moving
> commons-exec to commons proper?!
> The current state of the commons-exec
> (http://commons.apache.org/sandbox/exec/)
> +) I made my first bug fix in April 2007 after finding out that I have the
> karma to mess up the project ... :-)
> +) I officially took over the code in November 2007
> +) I went through all the open JIRAs and fixed them including regression
> tests
> +) I cleaned up the code and javadocs
> +) removed commons-logging dependency
> +) added a few more features plus regression tests
> +) with the help of the commons community commons-exec was tested on various
> platforms and JVMs (see
> http://commons.apache.org/sandbox/exec/testmatrix.html)
> +) I was promoted to commons committer in April 2008
> +) there was some interest in getting/using commons-exec from the user
> community
> +) I use commons-exec in production for more than on year
> The not so good things
> +) unfortunately we have no coverage on Solaris and broken tests on OpenVMS
> - the missing Solaris coverage is IMO critical
> +) I am the one and only person actively maintaining the code

It sounds like exec is pretty much ready to start thinking about a
release? If thats the case then we should be promoting it (if not then
theres not much point in moving out of the Sandbox IMO).

We have other components with only one active person so IMO its not a
blocker. For me I would hope there is an intention on your part to
stick around and support it - I'm not looking for any kind of promise,
since none of us know what the future holds and were all volunteers
that can disappear at any time - but I would be happier (voting to
promote) if I knew the intention was there.


> Thanks in advance
> Siegfried Goeschl
> PS: I just uploaded the website but it will take a while to be available
> ....

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