On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 11:07 PM, Julius Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Henri,
>  Is your timing just a coincidence?
> http://lists.juliusdavies.ca/pipermail/not-yet-commons-ssl-juliusdavies.ca/2008-March/000102.html
>  I was just going to sit down and finally rewrite my old incubator wiki
>  page....  (http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/CommonsSSLProposal), but
>  maybe I should band onto this instead?  I'm having such a hard time
>  building community for this library.  The users are nice, and the bug
>  reports (90% from SoapUI users!!!) are nice.  But so far in 1 year
>  I've only had two small patches sent in.

There wasn't much interest in the idea in the end. I think it'll be
best just to go ahead with incubator proposals for each component and
see how it goes. We can optimize if we find parts problematic.

I'm happy to volunteer as a mentor for commons-ssl if you'll have me :)


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