On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 10:07 PM, Julius Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Henri,
>  Is your timing just a coincidence?
> http://lists.juliusdavies.ca/pipermail/not-yet-commons-ssl-juliusdavies.ca/2008-March/000102.html

Complete coincidence. I'm tiring of running a server in my attic just
for a JIRA; so wanting to turn things off :) Thus looking to bring
osjava bits of interest to the community I'm most active in.

>  I was just going to sit down and finally rewrite my old incubator wiki
>  page....  (http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/CommonsSSLProposal), but
>  maybe I should band onto this instead?  I'm having such a hard time
>  building community for this library.  The users are nice, and the bug
>  reports (90% from SoapUI users!!!) are nice.  But so far in 1 year
>  I've only had two small patches sent in.

My aim is to write an IncubatorCommonsProposal; it sounds like you're
still interested in joining [sorry for the sheer slowness while we got
ourselves out of Jakarta and settled again] so I'll add you to that
list. The more listed the more obvious it'll be that doing individual
proposals is going to be tiresome.


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