--- Torsten Curdt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > How would that work logistically?  I publish RC
> > artifacts, and once they're voted on, you sign the
> > same artifacts that presumably you personally
> > reviewed?  Doesn't that necessarily force us -not-
> to
> > use the full mvn process?
> Indeed - that's would mean not using the gpg maven
> plugin
> >> Let's get him signed :)
> >
> > I have seen mentioned the idea of getting a
> signing
> > done without a F2F.
> Why? Where are you located? Antarctica? ;-)

Might as well be... TN, USA.  Don't know of any other
committers in the area.

> >  If anyone has ideas on how to
> > make this secure, I'm all ears.  Otherwise, how
> many
> > signatures are needed?  Or does it just depend on
> how
> > strongly trusted (how many signatures IT has)  a
> given
> > signature is?
> I'd think a signature from just a few apache folks
> would do.

There are a couple of committers within a few hours of
me, I know, if I needed to get my key signed; however
given your "I'll shut up" comment later on this thread
I suppose I won't worry about it either for now.  :) 
Maybe next year's Apachecon US won't be in the murder
capital of the nation (I hate ATL too, which is why I
didn't make last year's).


> cheers
> --
> Torsten
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