On 25/03/2008, Rahul Akolkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 3/24/08, sebb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  <snip/>
> >
>  > I think someone needs to turn this thread into a document so it does
>  >  not get lost ...
>  >
> <snap/>
>  Sorry, I meant to elaborate when Phil mentioned documenting this as
>  well. The intent is to proceed in 3 steps:
>   * Discuss (this thread, will let it sit for a few more days)

The document should be written at this point ...

>   * Act (pom changes in line with process discussed and with a JIRA for
>  each change, documenting on the wiki as changes are made, letting that
>  sit for a few)

... and updated here only as necessary to clarify it.

>   * Publish (release pom, add/update m2 section of release docs on cao site)

So the Wiki working document will be replaced by a document on the site?

I think the document needs to describe the purpose of the procedure as
well as the steps needed to implement the procedure.

>  -Rahul
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