On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 1:56 PM, simon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  (b)
>  maven-release-plugin checks that there are no SNAPSHOT versions in the
>  pom.
>  But isn't
>   grep "SNAPSHOT" pom.xml
>  simple enough? [1]

Perhaps we could use the enforcer plugin once it gets all the kinks
out?  It has a rule that says "no SNAPSHOT dependencies."  We could
put the enforcer plugin only in the rc/release profiles.

>  (c)
>  maven-release-plugin creates a tag for you.
>  Oh yay. Isn't "svn cp" easy enough?
>  Anyway, I prefer to create an svn cp in a "branches" directory, then do
>  the release from there, and move it to the tags dir once the release has
>  worked. With that approach, there is never a window where the tags dir
>  contains something marked as a release when the release has not yet
>  happened.

+1.  I like the release-preparation branch approach, too.  That worked
out quite well for me when doing proxy's 1.0 release, especially since
I had to do so many release candidates. :)

>  (d)
>  maven-release-plugin updates the version number in the pom.
>  Oh yay. Isn't edit/commit enough?

It would be nice if the release plugin just split out its
functionality into simple commands, like release:increment-version
(since that can be useful in multi-module builds).

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