Based on couple of JIRA comments, it seems there still isn't consensus
about a release process using m2 at Commons. I'll try to outline the


[A] Release prep

[B] Stage artifacts and site, to some location TBD (entire commands
below, not abridged etc.):

mvn -Prc release:prepare
mvn -Prc release:perform
mvn -Prc site-deploy

Or, if you don't care about the release plugin, after setting final
versions in [A]:

mvn -Prc deploy
mvn -Prc site-deploy

[C] Vote

[D] Go live

mvn stage:copy ...
mvn site-deploy


Does this fit your mental model? If not, why not?

Please keep the discussion at a "vision" level. Yes, the outline is
flawed (all votes don't pass, there are loops etc.) Yes, required pom
changes are not discussed. But, once process is OK'ed, we will make
the poms do the right thing :-)


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