sebb wrote:
On 19/02/2008, James Carman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 2/19/08, sebb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 19/02/2008, James Carman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
So, as far as I can tell these are the current issues with this
release candidate (and what I've done to fix them):

1.  Source Incompatible w/1.3 - Changed the source/target to 1.4 in
proxy's pom file

2.  Javadoc Links - The new Javadocs will have links to JDK, XML-RPC,
Javassist, AOP Alliance, and the "concurrent" stuff from Doug Lea's

3.  Digests/Signatures - Release candidate 2 distributions will have
associated digest and signature files.

4.  Notice file copyright year range doesn't match the "inceptionYear"
property in the pom file - I change the Notice file to match.

5.  Manifest file sloppiness: The felix plugin is causing this.

So, am I ready for an rc2 for you guys?

It would be useful to document the minimum Java version on the
web-site main page.

Some Commons projects have developer pages; might be worth considering
this for a future release, if not now.
Do you know of any commons projects that currently list their minimum
Java version?  I'd like to borrow from what they've done.  Or, is
there a preferred place that we should put something like that?

Here a good example:

 It would be nice if the dependencies page listed the source/target Java
versions that were used by the compiler.

Indeed, I tried suggesting that ...

Niall has filed a feature request for this:

I might just wait until the next release for a "developer" page.

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Dennis Lundberg

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