Hi Emmanuel,

Emmanuel Bourg wrote:
> I noticed that the artifactId changed to
> commons-configuration2 on the
> 2.x branch. Is it necessary to change it? Couldn't we keep
> commons-configuration since the groupId has already changed to
> org.apache.commons? 

aside from all args in the discussion, we have also to consider, that under 
some circumstances artfiactIds themselves should be unique, since the groupId 
is not part of the real file name. This happens when artifacts are collected in 
a single directory (war-plugin, ear-plugin, assembly-plugin, ...). Some plugins 
already can cope with such a situation by automatically generating a new 
artifact name (war plugin), but e.g. for the ear-plugin this is not possible, 
since it would break the classpaths in the manifest of the included EJBs. 
Therefore we should not force such a situation and also use a different 
artifact name, especially since the recommendation is to use the package name 
as artifact name.

- Jörg

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