I didn't realize that we were changing the artifact ids when we change
the package name.  I guess we're doing that because Maven2 will try to
use the latest version of a library if multiple exist as dependencies?
 I just tried a test by putting in commons-collections 3.1 and 3.2 as
dependencies.  When I listed the dependencies (using the maven
plugin), I only see 3.2.  So, I guess we have to change the artifact
id too.

On 2/16/08, Emmanuel Bourg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I noticed that the artifactId changed to commons-configuration2 on the
> 2.x branch. Is it necessary to change it? Couldn't we keep
> commons-configuration since the groupId has already changed to
> org.apache.commons?
> Emmanuel Bourg
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