On 29/01/2008, Niall Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jan 29, 2008 2:44 PM, Phil Steitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Jan 29, 2008 6:51 AM, sebb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I would prefer to see trunk used for the main development, and
> > > branches for experimental stuff, but of course this changes over time.
> > >
> > > What is important is that the currently active branch(es) and trunk
> > > are cleary documented on the web-site and in SVN - I've seen a STATUS
> > > file used for this, or perhaps a REAME.
> > > This file needs to be at the top-level of trunk (and the contents
> > > should indicate that the latest version is always in trunk)
> > >
> > > For a long while in JMeter the trunk was not where the main dev was
> > > taking place, and this caused quite a few problems (as it was also not
> > > well documented ...).
> > >
> >
> > Thanks, guys.  Regarding pool, there is no development right now going
> > on toward the 2.0 stuff, so what makes sense for me is to move the 1.4
> > code back into trunk and change the pom version to 1.5-SNAPSHOT.  I at
> > least will be working bugs, responding to issues and looking at the
> > fairness stuff discussed earlier there, so that makes sense to me.
> > What I am stuck on is the best way to do it in svn.  Any advice /
> > suggestions would be appreciated.
> TortoiseSVN which I use has a rename command - actually does
> copy/delete - but I would think that would be the best way to go: 1)
> Copy trunk to new POOL2 branch and then remove trunk and then 2)
> copy/delete your 1.4 branch back to trunk. If you want I can do this.
> Niall

For renames, one can just use svn move:

move (mv, rename, ren): Move and/or rename something in working copy
or repository.
usage: move SRC DST

  Note:  this subcommand is equivalent to a 'copy' and 'delete'.
  Note:  the --revision option has no use and is deprecated.

  SRC and DST can both be working copy (WC) paths or URLs:
    WC  -> WC:   move and schedule for addition (with history)
    URL -> URL:  complete server-side rename.

This can also be done in Eclipse and probably other IDEs.

Although it is equivalent to copy/delete, it's probably safer to do it
as one SVN command.

> > Phil
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