On Jan 14, 2008 9:13 PM, Oliver Heger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The artifacts look good, the build also succeeded in all variants (on a
> JDK 1.6). So I am +1 for this release.
> Two minor points:
> - On my first attempt to build with maven 2 I got the test failure
> below. However this was not reproducable, further builds succeeded. Has
> anybody else seen this?
> - In the manifest of the jar (in the binary distribution) the headers
> for Import- and Export-Package look a bit strange. There seems to be a
> hard line break in the package name. I am no OSGi expert. Is this okay?

I believe this is OK for manifest entries in general and for OSGi the
bundle plugin that the felix guys(OSGi expter) have developed does the
same thing so I think so. Also I pinged Carsten Ziegeler (felix
project) about this release being OSGi enabled and he took a look at
the entries and said they looked good.


> Oliver

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