> From: Stephen Colebourne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 2:50 PM
> To: Jakarta Commons Developers List
> Subject: Re: [IO] Planning IO 1.4 release
> Dennis Lundberg wrote:
> > I just feel that there is sooo much discussion necessary to pull
> > something off here in commons. We have a saying in Sweden that sums it
> > up, but I'm not sure how it works after translation. It goes something
> > like this:
> >
> >   "Much talk, but no work"
> >
> > I wish that some of the energy that goes into the discussions would go
> > into actual coding instead...
> <rant>
> So do I, but my opinion is that had we never ever used maven in commons,
> and only ever used ant we would have been *much* better off. (And so
> would our users, as they would have more up to date components to use,
> do to more real coding time being available).

Tangent: As long as I can build components with Ant (build jars and run tests) 
that's all I really need. So, let's not take that nice simple way of doings 

> I'd love someone to analyse what threads actually occur on commons. It
> feels like 50% are just about maven and builds, and that is crazy for a
> tool that is meant to reduce the workload.
> </rant>
> Stephen
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