Simon Kitching wrote:
---- Jochen Wiedmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
On Jan 10, 2008 9:04 AM, Simon Kitching <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

No. What I am saying is that the NOTICE file should have *only* information 
about the files in the current maven module. The NOTICE should *never* *never* 
have information about files in other maven modules, ie data should *never* be 
pulled from other poms in order to generate the NOTICE file.

Is this ASF policy? I studied the "ASF Source Header and Copyright Notice Policy", but the docs on the contents of the NOTICE file is rather scarce.

As this is the core concept of the maven-remote-resources, we should therefore 
*never* use the maven-remote-resources plugin.
I am sorry, but due to your above words I have just scanned through
the documentation of the mrr plugin. And I have absolutely no idea,
where you get this idea about "core concept" in the sense that it
cannot be made at least configurable.

Hmm..looking at the maven site, the documentation is not very helpful.  The main page just says 
that it "retrieves jars of resources", then "processes" them. The FAQ page 
gives a few further vague hints.

While debating this topic I have dug into both the code and the documentation of the plugin. You are correct that the docs are lacking. I will update the docs with my findings.

It's the bit about NOTICE file generation that I care about.

I know that the remote-resources plugin is capable of pulling in a copy of the 
LICENSE file from a central location. I don't personally think this is a good 
idea, and that checking in a copy manually to each project is better, but care 
less about this than the NOTICE file.

Is there something else that the remote-resources plugin would do for commons 
projects *other* than handle NOTICE and LICENSE? If so, I'm not aware of it..

It can be used for *any* remote resource bundle that we'd care to create. One common use case is to package configuration files for Checkstyle and PMD into a jar file. That jar file is deployed to the central repository and can be downloaded by mrrp, thus ensuring that a bunch of related projects all share the same configuration.

Please don't take this as an attack on either Dennis or yourself. You're both 
great contributors to commons. I just don't see the point of this particular 

That is what discussions are for - learning new stuff.


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Dennis Lundberg

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