---- Original Message ---- From: Jochen Wiedmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > On 10/01/2008, Stephen Colebourne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: [..] > > +1 to this sentiment. I completely reject the notion of generating NOTICE.txt. That is our responsibility here in commons.
> And I reject the attitude to discard a solution *once and forever*, > simply because there is an aspect in the *current* implementation that > you dislike. This is what I also said, and got snipped: "Whether this affects a particular plugin or not is of non relevance to me." ie. I personally have no idea what the rest of the plugin does, its not of great interest to me. My point is specific to NOTICE.txt. To a lesser degree it also affects LICENSE.txt, which should also be in svn IMO. Stephen > The value of the mrr plugin (in the light of the Apache policies) is > that it provides the technical solution for a non-trivial task: To > ensure that artifacts contain the required files. Having been the > person who was forced to implement a comparable solution in the past > for a several projects and for several artifacts separately, I am very > happy if someone provides a solution that does exactly that and will > take care for possible other artifacts in the future. The question, > how and from where the NOTICE.txt file is obtained is a minor problem, > which can easily be achieved, in the worst case by subclassing the > plugin. So, what's the reason to be so gruff? --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]