Henri Yandell wrote:
> Guess that means Lang should start using m2 and not m1 for the release :)

It's also possible to add the meta information to the jar "by hand". So
you could look at the result of the m2 build and then add the manifest
entries by hand using the m1 build - it's not that flexible and elegant
but working as well :)

> Dumb question - why does anything need to be added to the child pom?
> Can't it all go in the parent pom?
Yes, that's actually a good question :)
For libraries like lang or collections the changes to the pom will all
look the same. You define the exports of the library by exporting all
contained classes.
For other products at commons this might be different as not all
contained classes might be meant to be public, so you would only export
the public packages (api and util classes) while you would not export
private packages (implementations). In these cases each project has to
explicitly declare the public and the private packages.

But we could move the default (exporting everything) to the parent pom
and then the only change would be to change the packaging from jar to
bundle in each project.


Carsten Ziegeler

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