On 12/28/07, Mark Horn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is Commons-Launcher still active?  The last release appears to be
> quite some time ago ( Jan. 2005 ) and issues/feature requests have
> been logged into JIRA (including one by myself) but there does not
> seem to be any activity on the project what so ever.
> Is there a better alternative to commons-launcher (other than
> commercial installer apps)?  Is that why it is dormant?  Is there
> anything I can do to help, so this project can get going again?

Without going into why it is "dormant" (I can't say either), your
observations about there being no activity recently are quite

You can definitely help, although if you don't have svn karma, you'll
need a Commons committer to help with that. Here are some notes on
volunteering (change the bugzilla reference to JIRA):


and contributing patches:



> --
> Mark Horn

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