nicolas de loof schrieb:
> I also got some troubles when (quick) testing the felix bundle-plugin :
> I have configured the maven-jar-plugin to set some custom MANIFEST entries
> (in my case, the SVN revision number as Build-Revision). When using the
> felix plugin, my MANIFEST is replaced by OSGi one, not merged.
> But maybe I missed some configuration ? Or maybe this requires enhancement
> in the bundle plugin ?
Yes, I think this is a problem with the bundle plugin. I'll figure this
out and we can hopefully fix this in the bundle plugin.

> That beeing said, thanks to this plugin, making a m2 project OSGi compliant
> seems really easy as many of the required meta-datas are allready available
> in pom. I think this is a good point in OSGi adoption.


Carsten Ziegeler

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