On Dec 19, 2007 2:38 PM, Carsten Ziegeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> the products of commons are highly used throughout many projects.
> It would be great, if the projects here at Apche Commons could help
> those projects that are using OSGi.
> OSGi is based around the concept of a bundle - a bundle is a jar file
> with additional meta data like the packages it exports and a list of
> external packages it is using (please forgive me if I'm simplifying here
> too much).
> As many projects are using artifacts from Apache Commons, they need the
> specific jars as bundles. This is most often done by creating so called
> wrapper bundles: these are jars that have the same contents as the
> original library with the addition of the required meta data.
> You can find several examples here:
> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/felix/trunk/commons/
> Now, it would be great, if the projects here at Apache Commons would
> already provide artifacs that can be directly used in an OSGi environment.

+1 in principle and I'm happy to help do the work or apply patches.
Don't have great deal of OSGi knowledge - just attended a presentation
and went through a tutorial.

> All that has to be done is adding some entries to the manifest. This is
> usually a list of imported packages, a list of exported packages, a
> symbolic name for the bundle and a version. (There are some more but
> these are the most important ones).
> Adding these entries can be done by hand (not recommended) or with tools
> automatically. For example the Apache Felix maven bundleplugin requires
> just some lines of configuration and that's it.

We have a mixed bag of build systems here at commons. Until recently
we were pretty much maven1, with the odd ant/maven1 mixture. A few
components have m2 builds that have been used in anger and recently we
added m2 builds for all but 2 of the remaining components. However
there has been no commons-wide decision to make m2 the primary build
system and its quite likely that there will be future releases using

Thats the background and I would suggest that we focus on modifying
the m2 builds to support OSGi. Each component's pom inherits from
commons-parent[1] - is this something that could be configured there
or does it need doing on a component-by-component basis? Perhaps you
could either provide a patch for Commons parent - or an example for
one component's pom so that we can get a better idea of what's
involved to make this work.


[1] http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/commons/proper/commons-parent/trunk/pom.xml

> It would be great if some of the projects here could add these meta data
> as part of their next release. This will make the life of all projects
> using OSGi much much easier.
> So if you're interested in helping us, just let us know. We would be
> happy to make the required changes to the poms or whatever needs to be
> done. I cc'ed the Felix dev list as some Felix developers might not be
> subscribed to the commons dev list, so please keep them cross posted.
> Thanks
> Carsten
> --
> Carsten Ziegeler
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