The zombie continues to shuffle across the post-apocalyptic wasteland...

I'm proposing RC2 which addresses the issues found in RC1.


Staged site:<>

Release notes:



Changes from RC1:

* The breaking change in compatibility has been addressed by changing the
field back to its original type and name, deprecating it, and using a new
field name for the new feature.
* clirr/rat reports are now included in the generated site.
* The lib/ directory in SVN contains two jars that are only present for
gump's benefit; since the source distribution of commons-email gets required
dependencies from public maven repos, the jars do not need to be present and
have been removed from the assemblies.
* The build instructions have been updated to clarify the roles of the
maven-generated ant builds.
* Builds were redone using JDK 1.4.2_15 and the default user was overridden
to "bspeakmon". The manifests also reflect these changes.

Some are concerned about changing the group ID in the POM. I'm pushing back
on this for two reasons: using org.apache.commons is the correct group ID to
use for maven 2 builds; also, from my read of the discussions we've already
had on this, we have stipulated that this change will need to happen
eventually. When a project moves to maven 2, as this one now has, it seems
that now is the best time to make the change and deal with the
ramifications. When the release is approved, I'll be adding relocation POMs
in the main maven repository to ensure a smooth upgrade for users, and I'll
also address any other concerns the list may have similarly.

The previous vote is vacated with no result due to the RC's withdrawal, and
this vote now controls. Again, my +1 is nonbinding, so the release needs
three PMC +1s.

[] +1
[] +-0
[] -1

Vote will close at noon PDT on Thursday to give everyone three full night
periods. TIA for all reviewers' time.


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