Though I am an avid reader of fantasy fiction, I
don't think magic has much place in the realm of
software development.  For this reason I despair--and
I say this in awareness that I may offend some
folks--whenever I am forced to work with Maven.  I can
never figure out what's going on, and any
documentation I find doesn't tell me what I need to
know, at least (to be fair) not in such a way that I
recognize the datum that will help me when I see it.

  From this perspective, will someone please recommend
a resource that will tell me in no uncertain terms WTF
is going on with a Maven site and/or particularly your
"average" Apache Commons site?  I want to bring the
JXPath site more in line with e.g. IO/Lang for the 1.3
release but am at a loss to determine how to invoke
some of the black magic necessary to accomplish this.


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