Hi All, I want to configure auto failover to standby master feature of cloudberry. I have heard that it requires etcd on both master nodes. But the problem is etcd requires atleast three nodes to maintain quorum. Whereas we can configure one standby master with the master node, i.e we will be having 2 master nodes. So in view of above my question is how we can configure auto failover to standby feature in cloudberry using etcd? If someone has any document to configure this feature, it would be a great help. Secondly if this feature exists then i have also heard that we can only configure this feature at the time of configuration and not after configuration. So if someone has configured its database and later on he needs to deploy this feature then he will not be able to configure it in its existing database and he will have to create an instance from the scratch with this feature and move all his data to this new instance?
Regards -- Nadir Pervez Gill | DBA |Cell: +92 322 6076077