
Daniel Keir Haywood reopened CAUSEWAY-3297:

> Transitive Dependency not honored with 
> causeway-valuetypes-asciidoc-persistence-jdo
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: CAUSEWAY-3297
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAUSEWAY-3297
>             Project: Causeway
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: ValueTypes
>            Reporter: Andi Huber
>            Priority: Major
>             Fix For: 2.0.0-RC1
> Brian:
> I isolated the error in my project that was causing this.  It was in the 
> order of dependencies, and for a dependency that it seems I don't need to 
> declare explicitly any more.  If I add:
>               <dependency>
>                       <groupId>org.apache.causeway.valuetypes</groupId>
> <artifactId>causeway-valuetypes-asciidoc-persistence-jdo</artifactId>
>               </dependency>
> at the top of the simpleapp-jdo webapp dependencies, beneath the simple 
> module dependency, it fails to bring in org.webjars:bootstrap .  If this 
> dependency is further down, the dependency for bootstrap is brought in 
> correctly.
> Dan:
> I have on occasion seen warning messages in IntelliJ saying that because of 
> an error in such-and-such a pom, its transitive dependencies won't be 
> included.  So maybe that's the issue, that 
> causeway-valuetypes-asciidoc-persistence-jdo --[depends upon]--> 
> causeway-valuetypes-asciidoc-ui (or similar) --[depends 
> upon]-->asciidoctor-->webjars   ... and that there's an error in one of the 
> causeway poms somehow.  That would explain the symptom that Brian is seeing, 
> I think.

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