On Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 10:46 AM Emilio Cobos Álvarez <emi...@crisal.io> wrote:
> On 7/10/19 11:01 PM, Connor Brewster wrote:
> > Hi David,
> >
> >> It's not clear to me what this option means in terms of what you're
> >> proposing to implement and ship.  @supports is a feature that web
> >> developers can use -- and it should clearly match whether the
> >> feature is supported.  However, I think what you're suggesting here
> >> is that you might ship the feature only when WebRender is enabled --
> >> I think that's something that requires further discussion, given the
> >> confusion it would cause in the web development world.  It also
> >> seems (?) like you're suggesting something else about limiting which
> >> filters are usable to only those that have a GPU implementation in
> >> WebRender -- but it's not clear to me if that's for backdrop-filter
> >> only, or also for the filter property -- when WebRender is enabled.
> >
> > The idea here is that @supports would reflect whether or not
> > backdrop-filter and WebRender are enabled. This would allow web
> > authors to add a fallback style if needed. I do agree that this would
> > cause some confusion and needs more discussion.
> This seems pretty hard to do right / pretty awkward. @supports must
> reflect whether the property parses. Not enabling the property if
> webrender is not enabled seems hacky, but doable.
> But if you have WebRender enabled and your GPU process crashes, going
> all the way back to the style system to invalidate everything doesn't
> seem trivial / worth the effort. It seems pretty hard actually.

I feel like having the wrong results from @supports in this case is
probably acceptable.
I suspect background-filter is rarely used in ways that lying in
@supports causes a website to become unusable.

I see disabling it in @supports as sort a best effort kind of thing as
opposed to needing to be perfect.

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