The Google style sounds pretty good to me.

On 04/07/2019 07:11, Gerald Squelart wrote:
> Recently I coded something with a not-very-important slow-changing 
> rarely-used positive number: `unsigned mGeneration;`
> My reviewer commented: "Please use a type with an explicit size, such as 
> uint32_t. (General mozilla style; you don't see a bare "unsigned" around 
> much)"
> I had never heard of this (in 4+ years), so I did a bit of research:
> - I found plenty of `unsigned`s around, more than `uint32_t`s.
> - I can't see anything about that in our coding style guides [1, 2].
> - Our latest coding style [1] points at Google's, which has a section about 
> Integer Types [3], and the basic gist is: Use plain `int` for "not-too-big" 
> numbers, int64_t for "big" numbers, intXX_t if you need a precise size; never 
> use any unsigned type unless you work with bitfields or need 2^N overflow (in 
> particular, don't use unsigned for always-positive numbers, use signed and 
> assertions instead).
> So, questions:
> 1. Do we have a written style I missed somewhere?
> 2. Do we have an unwritten style? (In which case I think we should write it 
> down.)
> 3. What do we think of the Google style, especially the aversion to unsigned?
> Cheers,
> Gerald
> [1] 
> [2]
> [3]
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