The W3C is proposing a new charter for: HTML Working Group
Mozilla has the opportunity to send comments or objections through this Friday, May 3. There's a bit of background to this charter, related to the recent history of HTML being developed at both the WHATWG and (based on forks of the WHATWG spec) at the W3C. This charter is a major piece of the implementation of a draft Memorandum of Understanding (MoU): between the WHATWG and W3C that's designed to end this split. The major points of this MoU are: * W3C will no longer publish specifications that are forks of WHATWG specifications. * For the HTML and DOM specifications specifically (not others), W3C will have a process that leads to WHATWG Review Drafts also becoming W3C Recommendations (by marking the W3C status in the document hosted on WHATWG servers). * The HTML working group (whose charter is being proposed here) will exist both to run this process (since W3C requires a Working Group to produce Recommendations) and to help contributors who have previously worked on the W3C side of this split contribute to the WHATWG specification. * There is a dispute resolution process if the W3C and WHATWG groups want different outcomes in the HTML and DOM specifications (i.e., if the W3C working group isn't happy to publish what the WHATWG has published). This involves a bit of extra work, but the value is that we can avoid the wasted effort, confusion, and fighting that resulted from having two competing versions of the same specifications. Please reply to this thread if you think there's something we should say as part of this charter review. Given my involvement in the process that led to this charter being created, I strongly believe we should support the charter, but it's entirely reasonable to give specific feedback to improve the charter. -David -- 𝄞 L. David Baron 𝄂 𝄢 Mozilla 𝄂 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know What I was walling in or walling out, And to whom I was like to give offense. - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)
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