Will setting the "regressed by" field send mail to the subscribers of
the earlier bug? This was a useful aspect of the blocks/depends field.

On Tue, Mar 12, 2019 at 1:59 PM Sylvestre Ledru <sle...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> Le 12/03/2019 à 17:48, Andrew McCreight a écrit :
> > On Tue, Mar 12, 2019 at 3:55 AM Sylvestre Ledru <sylves...@mozilla.com>
> > wrote:
> >
> >> With this change, we are going to extend Bugzilla to add a new field with
> >> three new values:
> >>
> >>     -
> >>
> >>     Defect - an issue in one of our products
> >>     -
> >>
> >>     Enhancement - a new feature or an improvement
> >>     -
> >>
> >>     Task - a developer task. For example: refactor code foo.
> >>
> >>
> > Could please you explain more what these three values are supposed to
> > represent, possibly with some examples? It feels like there's a lot of
> > overlap between them. For instance, isn't any task I work on as a developer
> > a developer task? Isn't refactoring both a task and an improvement (and
> > thus also an enhancement)?
> * Defects are trivial. Examples:
> Crashes, intermittent, glitches, features not working as expecting, features 
> worked
> but no longer works, etc.
> This is mostly for users of our products (including ourself). Triaged by eng 
> triage owners.
> We decided NOT to call that bug as this word is super-overloaded at Mozilla.
> * Enhancement is a development of a new feature.  Examples:
> Add a new avatar for sync, implement feature foo in Javascript,
> add bar property in css 42, etc
> This is mostly coming from users and us. Should be triagged by product and 
> triage owners.
> * Task is mostly development work. Examples:
> Refactor function foo, remove function bar, improve function plop, etc.
> Almost of them should be coming from engineering.
> Now, we will have cases for which a ticket will be both a task and an 
> enhancement.
> Example: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1528330
> "Deliver acceptable GeckoView performance for Firefox Reality in H1"
> But I am sure you will agree that this new state will still be an improvement 
> over the current state.
> Now, a more concrete example, I have want to implement a new feature in 
> Firefox.
> I will create (or reuse) a bug with the "enhancement" value (probably as a 
> meta bug).
> Then, to develop the feature, I will create various "tasks" which will be 
> marking as
> blocking the meta bug.
> Because I am a bad developer, I will make mistakes and user will fill bugs 
> which
> will have the "defect" value (and I will use the regressed_by field).
> > Secondly, to bikeshed a little, could there be some name besides "task" for
> > that third category? Like I said above, everything we work as developers is
> > a developer task. "Refactor" seems like a clearer name, though maybe it is
> > a little limiting. "Side grade"? :)
> This is more than just refactoring. It is more "as an engineer, here is what 
> I have to do".
> About bikeshed, you can have a look here 
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1522342
> Where we did that.
> > Thirdly, what category should "organizational" bugs like meta bugs be
> > assigned to? I guess if you have a meta bug for a bunch of enhancements, it
> > would be an enhancement?
> Yeah, "it depends" ;) Probably...
> >
> > 3) Adding a new field called “Regressed by”
> > This is great! The weird encoding of "regressed by" in the "depends on"
> > field is one of the more confusing aspects of Bugzilla, given how important
> > it is. I spend a ton of time setting regressions for bugs, and even still I
> > have to stop occasionally to make sure I'm doing it the right way.
> Same here ;)
> S
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