On Tue, Mar 12, 2019 at 4:50 AM Honza Bambas <hbam...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> I wanted to suggest (but never done that) to have specific fields (text
> areas) in the bug form for following information:
> - explanation of the cause of the defect or rational for the bug
> - overview explanation of the fix for the defect (why this way); don't
> interchange this with commit messages, this would be more of an overview
> explanation
> - steps to reproduce the defect
> and maybe things like:
> - known workaround

The "User Story" field can be (ab?)used for all those things. If the bug is
not an "enhancement" it's likely blank and just waiting to be filled with a
good summary.

-Dan Veditz

> Each with its own history, perhaps.  This allows one to quickly overlook
> status (e.g. when a field is empty it means "we don't know yet") and
> quickly understand the reason why the fix was made the way it was.
> Right now one has to look for this in comments and its hard. Sometimes
> explanations are even missing and then we are stepping into darkness
> when we need to change something or simply understand some older code.
> Having these fields would invite people to write these explanations and
> sometimes doing it may (from my own experience) even help to produce
> better patches.
> That's it
> Thanks :)
> -hb-
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