Apologies, this was the outcome of a poor FastMail mobile UI interaction.

On Fri, Mar 8, 2019, at 9:48 AM, z...@falconsigh.net wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 8, 2019, at 1:31 AM, Ehsan Akhgari wrote:
> > *Summary*: As part of the anti-tracking project, we'd like to experiment
> > with a new feature in order to mitigate the impact of third-party tracking
> > scripts running in top-level documents.  As we are planning to start
> > removing the storage capabilities of third-party trackers, which removes
> > their ability to store unique identifiers for each client in cookies which
> > would be transmitted to servers across websites, a number of cross-site
> > trackers have started to switch to using first-party cookies to store their
> > unique identifiers.  The way that this works typically is through
> > annotating outbound links to the target website with a unique query string
> > parameter, and then reading and storing that unique parameter in the
> > first-party cookie storage through the third-party scripts that they
> > control which are running in the context of the top-level target site when
> > the user follows such a link.
> > 
> > This is bad because it would allow cross-site trackers to keep tracking the
> > user through a unique identifier, but it would also expose the unique
> > identifier used by tracker1 to all of the other trackers that have active
> > code running on the page, which would allow them to sync up each others'
> > tracking identifiers without resorting to practices such as cookie syncing <
> > https://clearcode.cc/blog/cookie-syncing/>.
> > 
> > We'd like to experiment with imposing a short maximum life-time on cookies
> > set through document.cookie in order to ensure that these unique
> > identifiers would expire relatively quickly once they are established, and
> > wouldn't allow cross-site trackers to establish a pervasive permanent
> > unique identifier.  We're picking seven days to be compatible with Safari
> > which has been shipping this for a while now <
> > https://webkit.org/blog/8613/intelligent-tracking-prevention-2-1/>.
> > 
> > *Bug*: This was implemented originally in (disabled by default)
> > https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1529836.  The bug to enable
> > this on Nightly is https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1533584.
> > *Link to standard*: No public standard change has been made for this
> > feature yet.  We should modify the cookie RFC when we know more about
> > whether we would like to ship this change or not given that we would be the
> > second web engine doing so.
> > *Platform coverage*: where will this be available? Everywhere.
> > *Estimated or target release*: in which version do you want to/plan to
> > release this? Getting enabled in Nightly in 67, staying Nightly only for
> > now in order to collect some early feedback.  No estimated target release
> > available yet since this is an early exploration.
> > *Preference behind which this will be implemented*: if applicable, how can
> > interested parties test this before it ships pref'd on by default? The
> > preference for this feature, available in Nightly right now, is
> > privacy.documentCookies.maxage.  The value of this pref is the maximum
> > life-time cap in seconds.  A value of 0 would disable enforcing a cap (0 is
> > the current default.)
> > *Is this feature enabled by default in sandboxed iframes?* If not, is there
> > a proposed sandbox flag to enable it? If allowed, does it preserve the
> > current invariants in terms of what sandboxed iframes can do? I'm proposing
> > to enable this feature in sandboxed iframes by default.  It will preserve
> > the current invariants.
> > *DevTools bug*: No specific bug, since devtools already supports showing
> > the expiry date of cookies and once this feature gets enabled it will
> > correctly display the expiry date for those cookies where Firefox would
> > enforce this cap on.
> > *Do other browser engines implement this?* Answer with: Safari shipped
> > (since version 12.0.x, tested in 12.0.3, announced as part of ITP 2.1
> > recently: <https://webkit.org/blog/8613/intelligent-tracking-prevention-2-1/
> > >).
> > 
> > *web-platform-tests*: This is an intervention which different engines do
> > not agree on yet.  Creating a web-platform-test for it would be very simple
> > but it will be failing in the engines that do not agree with the
> > intervention.  I'm not sure what the recommendation for testing these types
> > of changes is, would be happy to submit a test if there is a path for
> > getting them accepted into wpt.
> > 
> > *Is this feature restricted to secure contexts?* It is not.  This is an
> > intervention which is trying to protect the user's privacy, and we would
> > like to ensure the protections would be applicable to non-secure contexts
> > as well.  Arguably these protections are even more important for non-secure
> > contexts given the fact that cookies set through document.cookie would be
> > visible to network MITM attackers after that point.
> > 
> > Here are the answers to a few other questions which you may have on your
> > mind regarding this proposed change.
> > 
> > *Would this change cause people to get logged out of services?* We believe
> > the answer to that should be no, at least for services with secure logins.
> > Authentication cookies should be marked as Secure and HttpOnly, and if
> > they're set through document.cookie they can't be HttpOnly by default and
> > are therefore vulnerable to XSS attacks.  Therefore we hope that most
> > services people log in to would already set their authentication cookies
> > through a secure HTTP response and would therefore be unaffected.
> > 
> > *Would this change cause people to see more EU cookie dialogs?*
> > Potentially, yes.  We've looked at a few such sites which show such banners
> > to see how they remember that the user has dismissed the dialog.  Many of
> > them seem to set a cookie on an HTTP response so should be unaffected by
> > this change.  Some, however, do set a cookie using document.cookie and
> > would therefore be probably affected, but it's unclear how widespread this
> > problem would be.  One of the reasons for enabling this feature on Nightly
> > is to get some early feedback on qualitative issues like this.
> > 
> > Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > -- 
> > Ehsan
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