On 26/02/2019 22:49, d...@mozilla.com wrote:
On Tuesday, February 26, 2019 at 2:15:57 AM UTC-8, James Graham wrote:
On 25/02/2019 19:44, Daosheng Mu wrote:

web-platform-tests: none exist (and I don't plan to write WPTs but we do
have gamepad mochitest, I will add new tests to cover these two new APIs.)

Why do you plan to not write web-platform-tests? I imagine there may be
technical challenges, but we should ensure that those are well
understood before falling back on browser-specific tests.

In the absence of web-platform-tests what's the strategy to ensure that
implementations of this feature are interoperable and we don't end up
fighting compat fires in the future?

Gamepad tests require a real gamepad to run them, so wpt/gamepad are all manual 
tests in Firefox [1]. Our solution is making a GamepadTestService to help us do 
this puppet tests, the GamepadTestService will be launched once we run our 
gamepad mochitest and perform as a real gamepad under our automated testing. 
Besides, there is no tests for Gamepad extension so far. Therefore, if there is 
no big change, I would continue following the same scenario as before.

The current thinking is that hardware interaction APIs which rely on mocks to test should specify the API for testing as part of the specification (e.g. [1]). So it seems like the same approach could be used here.

[1] https://webbluetoothcg.github.io/web-bluetooth/tests
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