On Tuesday, February 26, 2019 at 2:15:57 AM UTC-8, James Graham wrote:
> On 25/02/2019 19:44, Daosheng Mu wrote:
> > web-platform-tests: none exist (and I don't plan to write WPTs but we do
> > have gamepad mochitest, I will add new tests to cover these two new APIs.)
> Why do you plan to not write web-platform-tests? I imagine there may be 
> technical challenges, but we should ensure that those are well 
> understood before falling back on browser-specific tests.
> In the absence of web-platform-tests what's the strategy to ensure that 
> implementations of this feature are interoperable and we don't end up 
> fighting compat fires in the future?

Gamepad tests require a real gamepad to run them, so wpt/gamepad are all manual 
tests in Firefox [1]. Our solution is making a GamepadTestService to help us do 
this puppet tests, the GamepadTestService will be launched once we run our 
gamepad mochitest and perform as a real gamepad under our automated testing. 
Besides, there is no tests for Gamepad extension so far. Therefore, if there is 
no big change, I would continue following the same scenario as before.

[1] https://github.com/web-platform-tests/wpt/tree/master/gamepad

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