On Fri, Feb 22, 2019 at 1:00 AM Jeff Walden <jwalden+...@mit.edu> wrote:
> On 2/17/19 11:40 PM, Henri Sivonen wrote:
> > Rust, which combines the
> > perf benefits of -fstrict-aliasing with the understandability of
> > -fno-strict-aliasing?
> This is not really true of Rust.  Rust's memory model is not really defined 
> yet https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/memory-model.html but from what I've 
> been able to read as to how you're "supposed" to and "should" use the 
> language in unsafe code and through FFI, it *does* require the same sorts of 
> things as C++ in "you can't dereference a pointer/reference unless it 
> contains a well-formed value of the type of the pointer/reference".  Just, 
> Rust has somewhat more tools that hide away this unsafety so you don't often 
> manually bash on memory yourself in that manner.

Requiring a dereferenced pointer to point to a value that is
well-formed according to the type of the pointer is *very* different
from having requirements on how the value was written ("effective
type"). E.g. all possible bit patterns of f64 are well-formed bit
patterns for u64, so in Rust it's permissible to use a u64-typed
pointer to access a value that was created as f64. However, in C++
(without -fno-strict-aliasing, of course), if the "effective type" of
a pointee is double, i.e. it was written as double, it's not
permissible to access the value via a uint64_t-type pointer.

In fact, the Rust standard library even provides an API for such viewing:

The unsafety remark is not in terms of aliasing but in terms of
*value* transmutability. The method is fully safe when U is a type for
which all bit patterns of U's size are valid values. (I'm a bit
disappointed that there isn't a safe method to that effect with a
trait bound to a trait that says that all bit patterns are valid. Then
primitive integers and SIMD vectors of integer lanes could implement
that marker trait.)

> As a practical matter, I don't honestly see how Rust can avoid having a 
> memory model very similar to C++'s, including with respect to aliasing, even 
> if they're not there *formally* yet.

As far as I'm aware, Ralf Jung, who is working on the formalization,
is against introducing *type-based* alias analysis to Rust. Unsafe
Rust has informal and will have formal aliasing rules, but all
indications are that they won't be *type-based*.

for the aliasing rule formulation that does not involve type-based
alias analysis.

Henri Sivonen
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