On 1/14/19 12:58 PM, Mats Palmgren wrote:
Link to standard: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-logical/#propdef-padding-inline

Two quick questions on the spec:

1) 'padding-block-start' is defined as:

  Value:  <‘padding-top’>

while 'padding-block' is defined as:

  Value:  <‘padding-left’>{1,2}

It probably doesn't matter too much because padding-top and padding-left have the same value space, but it's a bit weird and makes one go sleuthing to ensure that they do. Do you know whether this is purposeful or just a typo?

2) We are just implementing the padding shorthands for now, not the margin ones?

Do other browser engines implement this? No, https://wpt.fyi/results/css/css-logical/logical-box-padding.html

Do they plan to? That is, is the spec reflecting some sort of general consensus?

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