On Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 2:03 PM Emilio Cobos Álvarez <emi...@crisal.io> wrote:
> On 10/17/18 11:56 AM, James Graham wrote:
> > On 17/10/2018 10:12, James Graham wrote:
> >> On 17/10/2018 01:23, Emilio Cobos Álvarez wrote:
> >>> Hi Philip,
> >>>
> >>> Do you know how do reftests run in order to get that data?
> >>>
> >>> I'm particularly curious about this Firefox-only failure:
> >>>
> >>>    css/selectors/selection-image-001.html
> >>>
> >>> It passes both on our automation and locally. I'm curious because I
> >>> was the author of that test (whoops) and the Firefox fix (bug 1449010).
> >>>
> >>> Does it use the same mechanism than our automation to wait for image
> >>> decodes and such? Is there any way to see the test images?
> >>
> >> It's using the same harness as we use in gecko, so it should be giving
> >> the same results, but of course it's possible that there's some
> >> difference in the configuration that could cause different results for
> >> some tests.
> >>
> >> Unfortunately there isn't yet a way to see the images; because of the
> >> number of failures per run, and the number of runs, putting all the
> >> screenshots in the logs would be prohibitively large, but there is a
> >> plan to start uploading previously unseen screenshots to wpt.fyi [1]
> >
> > OK, I investigated this and it turns out that we accidentally started
> > uploading tbpl-style logs with screenshots for full runs when we turned
> > on taskcluster for PRs. So the screenshot is available through
> >
> > https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/raw-file/tip/layout/tools/reftest/reftest-analyzer.xhtml#logurl=https://taskcluster-artifacts.net/U6OIGr7ZTjurDYjy_KgyCg/0/public/results/log_tbpl.log
> Thanks! So it looks that the reftest screenshots are taken on inactive
> windows?
> We don't respect ::selection for inactive windows, so the failure now
> makes sense.
> Still I think there's something fishy there, but it may be related to
> the widget toolkit that is on wpt's CI or something...

Thanks James for accidentally storing screenshots in Taskcluster logs
and figuring out how to use them with reftest-analyzer, that's great
and I'll pass along this tip to blink-dev as well :D
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