
Here's the list of new issues found and filed by the Desktop Release QA
team last week.

Additional details on the team's priorities last week, as well as the plans
for the current week are available at: https://preview.tinyurl.com/yaaqhem8

*Bugs logged by Desktop Release QA in the last 7 days*
Core: DOM
* NEW - https://bugzil.la/1489155 - [Facebook] Trying to play Slotomania
leads to tab crash

Core: General
* NEW - https://bugzil.la/1488703 - Middle click on 9gag gifs opens
javascript:void(0) in a new tab

Core: mozglue
* NEW - https://bugzil.la/1489391 - The target.cppunittest.tests fails to
hook SetWindowLongPtrA from user32.dll for

Core: WebRTC
* NEW - https://bugzil.la/1489059 - [Facebook] The call doesn't go through
when it's made from the PC to a mobile phone.

DevTools: General
* NEW - https://bugzil.la/1488721 - Clicking the separator lines closes the
meatball menu

Firefox: Enterprise Policies
* NEW - https://bugzil.la/1488241 - Error link from about:support leads to
about:policies#active instead of about:policies#errors
* NEW - https://bugzil.la/1488411 - Navigation through about:policies pages
via address bar is not possible if the about:policies page is already open

Firefox: Menus
* NEW - https://bugzil.la/1488694 - Dropdown menus can be displayed at the
same time if opened while tabs are loading

Firefox Monitor
* Open - https://github.com/mozilla/blurts-server/issues/315 - Clicking on
“Firefox Monitor” the logo for Firefox Monitor, Facebook and Twitter glitch
* Open - https://github.com/mozilla/blurts-server/issues/317 - The “Firefox
Monitor” is still selected after you click on “Go back one page”
* Open - https://github.com/mozilla/blurts-server/issues/321 - You can
subscribe with an email that contains a typo
* Open - https://github.com/mozilla/blurts-server/issues/334 - The “Verify
your subscription” dialog is different from the one in the mock-ups
(“Confirm your Account”)
* Open - https://github.com/mozilla/blurts-server/issues/335 - "Close”
button inside the “Subscribe to Firefox Monitor” dialog does not have the
correct hover state
* Open - https://github.com/mozilla/blurts-server/issues/336 - The focus in
“Subscribe to Firefox Monitor” pop-up is not in the “Subscribe with Email
Account” field
* Open - https://github.com/mozilla/blurts-server/issues/339 - The email
report for breached/not breached accounts doesn't respect the UI spec
* Open - https://github.com/mozilla/blurts-server/issues/340 - Website
logos and informative icons from the email report are not displayed
* Open - https://github.com/mozilla/blurts-server/issues/342 - The
"Subscribe to Firefox Monitor" dialog is different from the one provided in
UI spec
* Open - https://github.com/mozilla/blurts-server/issues/343 - The warning
message remains displayed in the subscribe dialog after is reopened
* Open - https://github.com/mozilla/blurts-server/issues/347 - The "Have I
Been Pwned" link does not have a blue color
* Open - https://github.com/mozilla/blurts-server/issues/348 - Differences
between dev and stage regarding the auto-populated message when clicking on
the Tweet button
* Open - https://github.com/mozilla/blurts-server/issues/349 - The hover
state for the footer links is barely visible
* Open - https://github.com/mozilla/blurts-server/issues/350 - The
padding-right for links situated in the footer section has too many pixels
* Open - https://github.com/mozilla/blurts-server/issues/355 - The user is
redirected to the Firefox Monitor homepage after refreshing the unsubscribe
* Open - https://github.com/mozilla/blurts-server/issues/356 - Tweet
message is not properly posted on herokuapp
* Open - https://github.com/mozilla/blurts-server/issues/357 -
Inconsistency between home page and results page regarding the "Your email
will not be stored." text
* Open - https://github.com/mozilla/blurts-server/issues/358 - The user can
subscribe with the same email account
* Open - https://github.com/mozilla/blurts-server/issues/359 - The images
are missing from the “Verify your subscription for Firefox Monitor” and
"Your Firefox Monitor report" emails
* Open - https://github.com/mozilla/blurts-server/issues/361 - “Verify your
subscription” dialog could be dismiss automatically after confirming the
* Open - https://github.com/mozilla/blurts-server/issues/362 - The breached
accounts are not correctly arranged on the page if the browser is resized
* Open - https://github.com/mozilla/blurts-server/issues/363 - The "Show
more" and "Subscribe" buttons are not correctly positioned in the page if
the browser is resized
* Open - https://github.com/mozilla/blurts-server/issues/364 - You can
unsubscribe from Firefox Monitor with the same account more than once
* Open - https://github.com/mozilla/blurts-server/issues/371 - "Scan
Another Email" button and "Firefox Monitor" link from email report doesn't
* Open - https://github.com/mozilla/blurts-server/issues/372 - Several
breached websites are no longer visible after shrinking the browser window
* Open - https://github.com/mozilla/blurts-server/issues/380 - Slight
differences in color regarding the breached details provided for each

This is available as a Bugzilla list as well (where applicable):

Andrei (:avaida)
dev-platform mailing list

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