On Wednesday, July 4, 2018 at 11:38:21 AM UTC+12, Chris Pearce wrote:
> Intent to ship: block audible autoplay media intervention
> We intend to change the behaviour of HTMLMediaElement to block autoplay of 
> audible audio and video in Firefox on desktop and mobile.
> We are not going to block WebAudio at the same time. While we do plan to 
> block audible autoplay of WebAudio content in the near future, we have not 
> finalized our WebAudio blocking logic or intended ship date for blocking 
> WebAudio.
> We intend to run shield studies on the user impact of enabling 
> HTMLMediaElement autoplay blocking. If those go well we hope to ship in 
> Firefox 63 (2018-10-23) or Firefox 64 (2018-12-11). Upon conclusion of our 
> experiments, I’ll follow up here with a confirmed ship date for this feature.
> We hope to block autoplay in WebAudio in a release soon after, hopefully 
> Firefox 64 or 65.
> We intend to block autoplay of HTMLMediaElement in tabs which haven't had 
> user interaction. Web authors should assume that they require a user gesture 
> (mouse click on a "play" button for example) in order to play audible media.
> HTMLMediaElements with a "muted" attribute or "volume=0" are still allowed to 
> play.
> As with other browsers implementing this feature, we express playback being 
> blocked by rejecting the promise returned by HTMLMediaElement.play(). Web 
> authors should always check whether the promise returned by 
> HTMLMediaElement.play() is rejected, and handle that case accordingly.
> We also plan to allow users to create their own whitelist of sites which they 
> trust to autoplay.
> We are planning to experiment via shield studies with prompting users to 
> approve/block playback on sites that try to autoplay before receiving user 
> interaction.
> In general, the advice that applies to other browsers [1][2] with respect to 
> autoplaying media will apply to Firefox as well; you cannot assume that you 
> can just call HTMLMediaElement.play() for audible media and expect it to 
> always play. You should always check whether the play promise is rejected, 
> and handle that case accordingly.
> For example:
> var promise = document.querySelector('video').play();
> if (promise !== undefined) {
>     promise.catch(error => {
>         // Auto-play was prevented
>         // Show a UI element to let the user manually start playback
>     }).then(() => {
>         // Auto-play started
>     });
> }
> (This example comes from WebKit’s announcement on blocking autoplay [2])
> To test block autoplay in Firefox 63 (currently in Firefox Nightly channel), 
> download the latest Nightly and open about:config in the URL bar and set the 
> preferences:
> media.autoplay.enabled=false
> media.autoplay.enabled.user-gestures-needed=true
> media.autoplay.ask-permission=true
> Tracking bug: (block-autoplay) 
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1376321
> If you find bugs, please file them via this link and CC or need-info me 
> (cpearce), and mark them blocking bug 1376321:
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Core&component=Audio%2FVideo%3A%20Playback
> I will follow up with a confirmed ship date for block audible autoplay in 
> Firefox once we have one.
> [1] https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/09/autoplay-policy-changes
> [2] https://webkit.org/blog/7734/auto-play-policy-changes-for-macos/

Block autoplay is now enabled by default in Nightly (only).

If you find bugs, please file them in "Core > Audio/Video > Playback" or via 
this link https://mzl.la/2JHYjlF and CC or need-info me (cpearce), and mark 
them blocking bug 1376321.

If you have any feedback on whether you find the feature good, bad, or ugly, 
please email/IRC me, or let the team know in the block_autoplay Mozilla slack 
dev-platform mailing list

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