Hi Mounir,

Replies inline below...

On Thu, Jul 5, 2018 at 2:56 AM, Mounir Lamouri <mou...@lamouri.fr> wrote:

> Hi Chris,
> Very excited to see Firefox going forward with autoplay blocking. A couple
> of comments inline.
> On Tue, 3 Jul 2018, at 19:38, Chris Pearce wrote:
> >
> > We intend to block autoplay of HTMLMediaElement in tabs which haven't
> > had user interaction. Web authors should assume that they require a user
> > gesture (mouse click on a "play" button for example) in order to play
> > audible media.
> I assume you will not allow autoplay when navigating into the same
> website? What about iframes? Will they be allowed to autoplay if the main
> frame is allowed to? Will the feature policy be used instead?
A gesture in any document in the document hierarchy gesture activates the
top level document, and a document uses the top level document's gesture
activation status to determine whether it can play (our implementation
actually differs a bit, but this is the effective behaviour). Gesture
activation status isn't preserved across navigation. So if the top level
document navigates, the incoming document hierarchy won't be able to
autoplay. If a non-top-level document navigates, the new document in the
iframe will still use the top-level document's gesture activation status,
and so the iframe's new content document will be able to autoplay.

> > HTMLMediaElements with a "muted" attribute or "volume=0" are still
> > allowed to play.
> Chrome and Safari allows autoplay only when the playback is muted. The
> spec allows side effect for setting `muted = false;`. What will happen for
> a website that changes the volume from 0 to something else?

If an HTMLMediaElement starts playing with muted/volume=0 and then script
sets it to unmuted/volume>0, then we'll pause the media.

> Also, will autoplay be allowed when the video has no audio track?
Our autoplay logic ignores whether the media resource has an audio track;
it makes our implementation simpler, and if an author knows a media should
be inaudible, they can set the muted attribute. So a video element playing
a media resource with no audio track and without the muted attribute would
still be blocked.

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