On Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 10:27 AM, Steve Fink <sf...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> Would it be possible that when I do an hg pull of mozilla-central or
> mozilla-inbound, I can also choose to download the object files from the
> most recent ancestor that had an automation build?

You mention 'artifact builds' so I assume you know about `ac_add_options
--enable-artifact-builds` which does this for the final libXUL target,
greatly speeding up the first people for people working on the parts of
Firefox outside Gecko.

In the build team we've been discussing for a while if there's a way to
make this more granular. The most concrete plan is to use sccache again.
This tool already supports multi-level (local and remote) caches, so it
could certainly pull the latest object files from a CI build; it already
does this when running in automation. There are still some 'reproducible
build' issues which block general use of this: source directory prefixes
not matching, __FILE__ and __DATE__, different build flags between
automation and the default developer builds, that sort of thing. These
prevent cache hits when compiling the same code. There aren't too many
left; help would be welcome working out the last few if you're interested.

We've also discussed having sccache race local build and remote cache fetch
as you suggest, but not the kind of global scheduling you talk about.
Something simple with the jobserver logic might work here, but I think we
want to complete the long-term project of getting a complete dependency
graph available before looking at that kind of optimization.

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