> On 16 Jan 2018, at 7:02 pm, Ralph Giles <gi...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> On my Lenovo P710 (2x2x6 core Xeon E5-2643 v4), Fedora 27 Linux
> debug -Og build with gcc: 12:34
> debug -Og build with clang: 12:55
> opt build with clang: 11:51

I didn’t succeed in booting linux unfortunately. so I can’t compare…
12 minutes sounds rather long, it’s about what the macpro is currently doing. I 
typically get compilation times similar to mac...

> Interestingly, I can almost no longer get any benefits when using icecream, 
> with 36 cores it saves 11s, with 52 cores it saves 50s only…
> Are you staturating all 52 cores during the buidls? Most of the increase in 
> build time is new Rust code, and icecream doesn't distribute Rust. So in 
> addition to some long compile times for final crates limiting the minimum 
> build time, icecream doesn't help much in the run-up either. This is why I'm 
> excited about the distributed build feature we're adding to sccache.

icemon certainly shows all machines to be running (I ran it with -j36 and -j52)

> I'd still expect some improvement from the C++ compilation though.
> It’s a very sweet machine indeed
> Glad you finally got one! :)

probably will return it though, prefer to wait on the next mac pro.

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