Exciting to hear, Kyle!

As mentioned earlier, Chrome for Android M63+ has shipped an implementation 
(disabled by default, with an Origin Trial) of the Generic Sensor API, but TAG 
review (https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/207) feedback needs to 
be addressed.

For our WebVR use cases, there's an ongoing discussion for the WebVR Polyfill 
here: https://github.com/googlevr/cardboard-vr-display/issues/10

Jonathan/Anne/Martin/Kyle, feel free to correct me, but as I see it, here's a 
potential process of the actionable steps we can take to securing the legacy 
Device Sensor APIs today and eventually deprecating them in favor of an 
implementation of the Generic Sensor APIs.

1. Lock down the Device Sensor APIs APIs in Gecko to only secure contexts, with 
`deviceorientation`, `absolutedeviceorientation`, and `devicemotion` being 
enabled by default.
* Despite the bug title, the WIP patches in http://bugzil.la/1359076 do handle 
this with the `device.sensors.orientation.enabled` flag:
    * https://reviewboard.mozilla.org/r/160400/diff/#index_header

2. Implement the Generic Sensor APIs in Gecko.
* Spec:
    * https://w3c.github.io/sensors/
* File a Bugzilla tracking bug for Gecko implementation (à la 
* Announce Intent to Implement.
* Chrome's platform status:
    * Platform feature page:
        * https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5698781827825664
    * Blink's Implementation (shipped in M63):
        * https://crbug.com/750018
        * https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/09/sensors-for-the-web
    * Blink's Origin Trial (ends Feb 27, 2018):

2. Implement the Feature Policy API in Gecko.
* Spec:
    * https://wicg.github.io/feature-policy/
    * https://w3c.github.io/sensors/#feature-policy-api
* File a Bugzilla tracking bug for Gecko implementation for implementing the 
Feature Policy (à la Blink's: https://crbug.com/623682).
* File a Bugzilla tracking bug for Gecko implementation for having the legacy 
Device Orientation API (or Generic Sensor API, if it's implemented) use the 
Feature Policy (à la Blink's: https://crbug.com/750018).
* Announce Intent to Implement the Feature Policy.
* Announce Intent to Implement the Feature Policy for the Device Orientation 
and/or Generic Sensor APIs.
* Chrome's platform status:
    * Platform feature page for Feature Policy:
        * https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5694225681219584
    * Blink's Implementation for Feature Policy (shipped in M60):
        * https://crbug.com/623682
        * https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=623682&desc=2
    * Platform feature page for page for Feature Policies for the Device 
Orientation API (i.e., `deviceorientation`, `deviceorientationabsolute`, and 
`devicemotion` events):
        * https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5758486868656128
    * Blink's in-progress Implementation for Feature Policy for the Device 
Orientation API:
        * https://crbug.com/750018

4. Deprecate the legacy Device Orientation API in Gecko.
* This email thread could suffice, but a new thread might be best.
* Close http://bugzil.la/1359076, and file a new Bugzilla tracking bug for 
removing Gecko implementation.
* Announce Intent to Deprecate.
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