My hope is that any stickiness would be transitory.

If someone is obviously using a VR headset, I don't think we would
require much movement at all to trigger the automatic permission.
That's clearly a primary input interface.

On Thu, Jan 4, 2018 at 9:15 PM, Blair MacIntyre <> wrote:
> I’m unclear of which side of the line we want to fall on between supporting 
> existing sites or requiring them to change.
> If we are going to break existing websites, then perhaps looking at the 
> Generic Sensor API (as CVan suggests in his email) is a more rational 
> approach;  is it implemented in FF yet?  Plans for it?
> For device orientation, my assumption (perhaps incorrect?) has been that we’d 
> be trying to support existing sites.  The worry I have with the gross motion 
> idea is that the UX would be terrible.  Right now, you start a site (VR, 360 
> image, etc) and can look around:  in my own experience, the motion is rarely 
> fast.  So the site would appear stuck, and the user may never discover it’s 
> stuck.
> But, perhaps if we’re willing to change the browser itself to provide some 
> feedback, this could work though.
> - I go to a site, it requests motion
> - motion events are not sent initially
> - FF waits a bit to see if the user shakes or grossly moves the phone (e.g., 
> perhaps a newer site says “shake the phone to activate panoramic viewing”)
> - if it does happen, FF slides in/down a message saying something similar 
> (e.g., “site wants to watch the movements of your device;  shake phone or 
> click yes to confirm, no to deny”)
> - if shake doesn’t happen in short time, or they click no, that’s that.  If 
> they shake or click yes, motion is used.
> But, perhaps this is too confusing.
> For the perms API, I imagined it might just work with devicemotion:  setting 
> up the callback could trigger a perms request, and the data would only start 
> flowing on acceptance.
>> On Jan 3, 2018, at 11:52 PM, Martin Thomson <> wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 4, 2018 at 1:09 PM, Blair MacIntyre <> 
>> wrote:
>>> We could chat about it, sure;  how do you envision it working without 
>>> breaking old websites?
>> With the understanding that this is purely spitballing...
>> We would stop providing events (or provide them with extremely low
>> frequency [1]), but if the currently focused context has an event
>> handler registered for orientation events, we would enable events once
>> the orientation changes by a large amount or quickly.  The thresholds
>> might need some tuning, but a shake or large movement should work.
>> That means that sites that expect and only receive subtle movement
>> would stop receiving events.  Sites that don't receive input focus
>> would stop receiving events (that prevents an embedded iframe from
>> getting events).  But sites that legitimately use the API will only
>> appear to be a little "sticky" initially.  We might also persist this
>> "implicit" permission to remove that stickiness for sites that are
>> used often (or reduce the activation thresholds over repeat visits).
>> We should also look at getting a hook into the permission API so that
>> the current state can be queried.  But that API doesn't really
>> understand this sort of model, so that might be tricky to work out.
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