On 12/24/2017 04:54 PM, James Graham wrote:
On 24/12/2017 13:13, Emilio Cobos Álvarez wrote:
On 12/24/2017 02:01 PM, Jonathan Kew wrote:
Tests - Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests? No, as it is
not yet spec'd (see above). I propose to land a basic mozilla reftest
along with the patches in bug 1426146 (behind a pref); if/when the CSS
WG agrees to accept this issue in the spec, we can migrate the reftest
to WPT

Just FYI, other people land tests into WPT with .tentative.html in the
name, like:


Not sure what's preferred, I believe that if the chances of this getting
spec'd are high it may be better, but...

James, do you know whether there's any official guideline for these kind
of situations?

The .tentative.html thing is an accepted convention for stuff that tests the presumed behaviour of a future spec, although it's possible that there aren't any CSS tests using the pattern yet.

I would certainly encourage using it here rather than having to remember to 
upstream a test at some later date.

As the editor of the spec in question, I can say that the only reason the
issue was open was because we were looking for some combination of implementer
interest and/or confirmation that this is a sane thing to do. jfkthame's intent
to implement is even more formal of a confirmation than we were looking for. :)

I should be able to run it officially past the CSSWG in a few hours, also, and
will prioritize the edit to remove the issue for like tomorrow or something if
that makes things easier. :)

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