Summary: For text that is stroked as well as filled (using
-webkit-text-stroke), this allows the author to control whether the
stroke is painted before or after the fill. The current behavior is to
always paint the stroke on top, which is often visually poor, and leads
authors to use cumbersome workarounds involving multiple copies of the
text in order to render a stroke behind the fill.
Link to standard: Currently an open issue in the CSS Fill & Stroke spec:
Platform coverage: All
Estimated or target release: Firefox 59 (behind a default-off pref,
pending CSS WG consideration)
Preference behind which this will be implemented:
Is this feature enabled by default in sandboxed iframes? Yes
DevTools bug: No special DevTools requirements
Do other browser engines implement this? AFAIK, this property is
currently implemented in other engines only for SVG content (like in
Firefox), not for HTML text
Tests - Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests? No, as it is
not yet spec'd (see above). I propose to land a basic mozilla reftest
along with the patches in bug 1426146 (behind a pref); if/when the CSS
WG agrees to accept this issue in the spec, we can migrate the reftest
to WPT
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