On Sat, Nov 18, 2017 at 7:38 AM, <w...@vapor4life.com> wrote:

> 57 is unusable for me..I keep 35-50 tabs open at any given time and I used
> Custom Tab Width legacy extension to prevent scrolling. I CANNOT stand
> scrolling thru tabs. I don't need to read the tab- I KNOW where they are.
> It should be simple to allow tabminwidth to go lower than currently
> configured. Then the user could decide how THEY like it. If this doesn't
> happen soon I will be reverting to an older versio nof FF or switching
> browsers altogether. btw..there is still some memory leak with FF. After a
> day I have to restart FF or it would eat all remaining Mem on my 8G system.

Luckily, Firefox has your back. From the first message in this thread:

On Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at 3:36:40 PM UTC-5, Jeff Griffiths wrote:
> 1. it reintroduces an old preference 'browser.tabs.tabMinWidth' that
> contains a pixel value that controls the minimum width of a tab.

Which you can easily set to a different value that works better for you.


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